
I am strong, because I am weak...
I am beautiful, because I know my flaws...
I am a lover, because I have been afraid...
I am wise, because I have been foolish...
And I can laugh, because I’ve known sadness...
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7 Mei 2012

The Travelling Girl

Kutipan dari kicauan seorang teman.

Date a girl who travels. Make her feel safe, warm, and secure. Make her believe that no matter where she goes, and however long she's gone you'll always be there for her, 
the one that she can call home.
(from solitary wanderer)

Manis banget ya? 
Saya tahu ada versi lengkapnya dari kutipan ini. Teman saya juga ngasih link-nya. Tapi, itulah twitter, cepat berlalu. Kicauan akan cepat tergeser kicauan lain yang lebih baru. Lalu kicauan lama pun hilang, terlupakan.
Karena itu saya suka twitter. Hehe. 
Seperti melepas balon ke udara.


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